Hi, my name is Stelian
I like to make stuff with code

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I am a Web Developer with enthusiasm and focus on Full Stack Web Developing and Scripting.

I am passionate about building scalable software, creating effective solutions, and learning every day to grow professionally in the IT field.

Feel free to contact me via email at any time.


Face Recognition App

A full-stack web application which allows you to identify the detection of faces in any image supplied. This was achieved thanks to Clarifai's artificial intelligence API.

I used React, Node, Express.js and PosgreSQL in order to create this web application.

See Live Source Code

Search Bar

Responsive React Application with the function for searching for a specific robot. It is optimized for a larger list of robots.

For easy and fast styling I used Tachyons.

See Live Source Code

Budged Calculator

Javascript application that allows you to add list of Incomes and Expenses and then it calculates your total budget. It also calculates the percentage of each of the expenses.

For the creation of this app I used Javascript ES5.

See Live Source Code


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